Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014

Opening night went surprisingly, fortunately well. Tanner rather bombardiered the opening scene, but Anne got her bearings, and I followed her, so we sailed into harbor. In Act IV a disaster turned into the highlight of the evening. The actor playing Young Malone stepped on Violet’s dress and interposed seamlessly into his line, “I’m sorry I stepped on your dress.” Then he was meant to return a check from his father. The prop document got stuck in his jacket, and after a long struggle he took off his jacket and handed it to his father and said, “It’s in there somewhere,” and they played the jacket as though it were the check for the rest of the scene. It was genuinely hilarious. Never have I come so close to breaking on stage. Quite lovely.

Slept later than I have in years. Must run now to get it all in. Extended, intense dreams about going to restaurants far out into the countryside, where one sits at rows of picnic tables in barns and quonsets. Very rustic. The directions to get to these places were detailed and difficult, and one was never certain one was headed in the right direction, or had arrived at the right place. The restaurants were intended for large groups, so one traveled in long caravans, and one had to worry about not only oneself but about the people in the cars behind.  The food was precise and vivid in the dream; I must have been hungry.

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