Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014

Britten on the CD

Father’s birthday. He would have been 95.

Considerable snow flying in the air, though not much on the ground. The daffodils are blooming at 62.

A sparrow was caught in the upstairs landing at Phil Mechanic. She fluttered around for a while, but the she let me catch her in my hand and carry her to a window. She was gone in a second in the clear air.

Good painting yesterday. I finished a small fantasy for one of the new babies in the department, pale and bright giraffes representing day and night.

I have not failed; I have been defeated. This is a distinction I hope someone remembers on my behalf.

The powers cut about 45 minutes out of the Shaw. Judicious cuts, but very beautiful lines, for the most part. What a great playwright Shaw could have been had it not been all about showing off.

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