Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014

Crescent moon in the east, with Jupiter below the lower tip when I was on the street this morning. Beautiful. The way back from the Y was delayed because a large flock of turkeys were strutting and contesting in the middle of Kimberly Avenue, indifferent to the cars backed up waiting for them. A lot of toms strutting and fluffing.

Received the note last night that I was bending forward oddly to deliver some of my lines, and I recognized what my body does under stress, which is to sag forward as though the weight on my back were too great, or I was trying to protect my heart. Went to the Y and did a quick weight set, and felt my back straightening as I went. I could become a gnome if I left the weight room far behind. Right now I feel a new man. Dress rehearsal last night, two screw-ups on my part which were redeemed by my fellows. Home just before midnight. This is the best Montford experience I’ve had. This is the best I’ve ever handled the assorted irritations.

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