Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

Cold morning. I woke cheerful, as one who has finally gotten enough sleep. One did so by retiring at 9. First run-through was late to start, and, all in all, horrific. I picked up all my cues and said all the cues that the next speaker needed, but realized that in places I had left out chunks of the middle of the speeches. In Act IV I missed a line because I had never said it, never even underlined it or knew it was there, the implication (and the truth) being that I had never rehearsed that scene until four days before opening. The kids look good, though, and much of it looks good when not stalled, the actors staring off into space trying to gather in the line.

Cantaria rehearsal better than that, though by then I was exhausted.

Wrote some in the morning. I know that because it was on the screen when I sat down.

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