Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014

Looking back with some satisfaction on what was probably the roughest day of the weak, dared and done. The Humanities lecture was pretty well triumphant. At the end of it, one of my students came up to the podium and asked if he could clarify something. His blond hair. His wild eyes. I was actually delighted. Unfortunately, not one of his rambling sentences made sense. There was something about over-population, and something about having received his vision while high, but the rest was incomprehensible, even for an undergrad. The huge assembly was gallant and gave him a round of applause. I thought he had been rather brave. The consensus was that he was high as a kite. I suppose he was, but I wanted to think he was an oracle who had received the vision but not yet found the voice.  Excellent Tolkien class, then rehearsal that was not excellent. One does not want to mar the merry atmosphere by saying, “Let’s get down to business,” but someone should sometime. I was the only one who knew my lines (not that I have many near the end of the play,) and what with giggling and calling for lines it was 10 PM without having finished anything. I do like the people I’m working with. Some are accomplished young actors.

Rain yesterday on my new-planted trees.

My yard is being ploughed by moles. I rather like it. I like moles and am indifferent to yard.

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