Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014

Victoria on Spotify

Arctic morning, windy and bitterly cold. Another use for my beautiful carpets is to stuff them up against the door to keep out the wind that wants to come under.

Of my two cats, I have never seen the one drink, and I have never seen the other piss. This is a wonderment. Maybe they do some sort of mystical transfer when no one’s watching. One of them pushed my checkbook into their water bowl. When I came out to see the swollen thing in the green dyed water, it was a while before I could figure what it was. I had used the last check, but I was sad for a moments that all that history was gone.  And my lovely leather checkbook with the ornate tree--

Difficult day yesterday. I heard a bird singing in a tree, and I wept because it was my tree and my bird, and I was hurrying away, and, of course, no bird will ever come into the new garden that I will never dig. Alleviated some of the panic by renting an office/storage space at the Riverside Industrial Park, where my neighbors are NC Stage and SR. I don’t know, now, how exactly that addressed the problem, but the panic subsided, and I have access to the French Broad, and there are tables down by the river.

In dream I was overseeing men building my house, and the building of my house had something to do with the completion of an entire city, one the microcosm and the other the macrocosm. It was not going well. Derek Evans advised me on a plan to speed things up and end goofing off on site, and that was to have a party where I would introduce the workers and supervisors to monsters which somehow personified their faults.

The wind makes a dull roar against the study window.

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