Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24, 2014

Still not feeling 100%, fill exhaustion time with taking quizzes on Facebook– what fictional city should you live in? (Atlantis) What time should you live in? (The Future) What Star Wars character are you? (Yoda). Made an appointment with arborist yesterday. We stood in the arctic blast planning the fate of my new backyard. I’ve hired many a tree guy in my time, and each has been sexier than the last. Must be some blessing derived from the trees. One thing I won’t miss about 62 is the phantom window opening. The windows here have always opened to please themselves. This morning when I woke the bedroom window was open a good two inches (I didn’t do it) and the floor was icy cold. Maybe a kind of haunting I never appreciated. Churning my way without particular enthusiasm through a play. Likely nothing will engage me fully until this typically protracted move is over. Yet this is better than to have been hurried, so I’ll endure it. Meeting about assessment yesterday informed me on several points where I had been mistaken, and perhaps I need to pull back my objections. Pull back, not purge wholly. I think of the creatures in my water gardens, hoping they are not frozen to the very bottom.

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