Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

Steam hissing in the registers.  I think I have a touch of flu. Mint tea steeping. Hours before light.

51 has a doggy smell. It was less yesterday than the day before. I suppose time, painting, and a few aromatic candles will take care of that. Moving things with wondrous slowness, not wanting to grow impatient. Painting won’t start until the weekend.

Surprisingly little chit-chat about the Chancellor’s resignation, at least in the circles in which I travel. I showed my story about it to a few. I manage to retain real affection for her as a person. She reminds me of my sister in some inexplicable way. Some hope that her departure will have a ripple effect, loosening the grip of others whom, for the sake of the university, we more urgently need to purge.

Odd catch in preparing a Humanities lecture. Evidently we cannot have an instructional or craft video made unless it fulfills the exact prejudices of our Provost. A state of censorship on a university campus should not be endured. That such things are suffered is a wonder to me.

Wind rattling the windowpanes. It’s romantic when you hear it in a movie.

1 comment:

Poetry Fan said...

Hope you will post your story about the Chancellor, as you did your poem about Obama. Good to have thoughts from an unacknowledged legislator of the world!