Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014

Ache transmutes into coughing, which may be the poison leaving my body through the throat. Don’t feel badly; not good company.

Life reduced to little forays of goods across the street to the new house. Being on everybody else’s timetable make it impossible to plan very precisely. That said, there is almost no way in which that living situation is not an improvement on this. I am glad that it turned out this way. Though it cannot be said precisely that it has “turned out” at all just yet.

The potential of the new garden makes me swoon a little. Even had the weather been bearable, I doubt I would have picked up a spade against the sheer (and delicious) immensity of the task.

Watched the J. D Salinger documentary on PBS. What’s the big deal? I disappeared even more cannily than he, in plain sight, not apparently putting forth an effort at all.

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