Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014

First visit to the podiatrist. Expensive without having been particularly necessary. A plantar wart is not a wart. That is useful information. Everyone remarks on my exceedingly flat feet. How did I get them? Doctors are very keen to warn against every remedy but their own.

Dead stopped for anything of significance to say. This is the week of dragging from one side to the other.

Rooms full of eager faces. The baseball players want to miss eight Fridays. I said “Why didn’t you take a Tuesday/Thursday section where you wouldn’t be missing so many classes?” Blank stare. People will help them through. I will help them through. You do so knowing it’s unfair. Not everybody in need of help asks for it, and there you are baffled. Some people ask for so much help you begin to shrivel when they walk through the door,

Schubert on Spotify.

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