August 2, 2022
Cooling of the stove top days. Call from the owner of Ace Handymen, re my enraged response to their cancellation. She points out that they were concerned for Will the Workman’s safety, being up on a ladder in the lightning and rain and all. I point out there was no lightning and no rain, and by the time it was clear there would be no rain, hours of daylight remained wherein he could essay the job. Ah! But by then he had accepted other tasks. . . . Realties in this world seem, oddly, to take back seat to anticipations or suppositions. The FACT that the weather was fine carried no weight against the supposition that it would not be. Reminds me of the cops who shoot people holding phones or water pistols in their hands, claiming to believe they were guns. I’m on the side that thinks that what is should have precedent over what was supposed, but we are somehow not in the majority. Can people not make mistakes? Of course they can, but there are consequences. Cops who shoot people with phones in their hands must go to jail, as repairmen who abandon jobs for bad reason must come the next day and make good on it. Neither, apparently, is going to happen. I confess the conversation with the owner made me feel better. I feel fully heard, if in no sense assuaged. I surprise myself by believing they should cancel somebody else in order to make up for canceling me, but that is what I do believe, may the saints instruct me. At the end of it all, there is a hole in my roof, and those who contracted a month ago to repair it have not done so.
Determined to win something, drove to Valvoline and had the Toyota inspected, this time without incident.
St, my Polidori, has a brain tumor and is afraid he can’t remember his lines. You smack your forehead and murmur, “What else?” They say the tumor is “benign,” and I wonder what that could possibly mean. We decide that most of Polidori’s extended lines are “literary,” and thus reasons can be found for reading them out of a book.
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