Sunday, August 28, 2022


August 25, 2022

Fasciitis carried into another day. Today must be better than yesterday, but I don’t feel it. At least I got painlessly through the night. Pain that is not a warning is useless. 

Twenty half-naked boys came trotting up Lakeshore, I assume from a University PE class. Said a prayer of thanks. 

Niece-in-law Mariama leaves the hospital today, though her child, grand-nephew Ezra, needs to stay in ICU a little longer. Jonathan posted a video of the poor tadpole breathing with his whole body, trying to suck in life. 

Hobbled about making a stew of country sausage, eggplant, celery, banana peppers, onion, garlic, tomatoes. I’m a still a Boy Scout. 

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