Wednesday, August 17, 2022


August 14, 2022

Maud sits under the dining room table and cries until I come and pet her. Sometimes she cries until I follow her to the guest bedroom, where she leaps onto the bed and wait for me to enfold her in an embrace. I’m glad she feels able to ask for what she wants. 

10:15 AM: Becky from Animal Control came to take a look at my raccoon problem. If I feared it had been my imagination, the fact that all the insulation in the basement is pulled to pieces set that at rest. Becky poked around, but we realized the scamp could flee anywhere in the wilderness of torn insulation. She set a trap baited with cat food, and I’m to check every now and then for a captive. The vermin situation will never be at an end. Becky rescued horses and large animals from Katrina, from which Maud also had been delivered. 

10:55: Tinkling outside the little door between attic and study, which I realize is the raccoon messing in the box of Christmas ornaments. Of course the trap is in the basement.

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