Thursday, August 25, 2022


August 24, 2022

Unexpected agony last night. I woke with my feet in such pain I literally could not endure it, but, as in certain times past, I recognized the fact that whether I could endure it or not there was no way out. I think the bad shoe debacle of Sunday was behind it, though the result was much worse than the event. Something had given me diarrhea as well, so the agony of walking in any degree was compounded by the need for several trips to the bathroom. Just wonderful. I remembered TG’s observation about fasciitus, and how wearing shoes made it better. I struggled into my left shoe and, yes, the pain went from about 11 to about 7, and after many pills I fell back to sleep. Still staggering around this morning, fully shod, but the improvement is palpable. Perhaps because of the resultant bad mood, or after having written checks to credit card companies, I canceled monthly automatic contributions to charities, at least the ones I remembered. If I add it up right, that’s $718 a year saved. 

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