Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 7, 2015

Labor Day. I don’t remember having Labor Day off since I came to Carolina, so I utter mighty blessings. Planted ferns, dug a little at new plots of garden. Studied my lines at High Five. Admired the men jogging. Overcame inertia and am feeling around for a way to get the Lincoln trilogy on stage. Bruce facebooks me an offer to invest in a revival of Carrie: the Musical. I look at the fan turning on the table, at the cat sleeping on the floor, and can scarcely contain my wonderment. I don’t even know what metaphor to use. It’s like asking the bluebird to invest in starling houses. It’s like asking a redwood to invest in chain saws. Besides, one Googles the show and sees it wins almost everybody’s prize as the worst musical ever. I think I’ll probably do it.

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