Friday, September 25, 2015

September 24, 2015

Before dawn: me running on the elliptical at the Racquet Club, studying lines.
Two giant cartons of plants on the porch in the morning. Got them into the ground, anticipating rain. Shade-loving hydrangeas, ferns. Transplanted the meadow rue, that seemed unhappy where it was.
Begin a flurry of baking for the Bryants’ reception.
Getting ready to drive to Waynesville with the kids, when I realize I’m sick to my stomach and can’t stand up without leaning against a wall. Vertigo, I self-diagnose. Will phones and said, “Do you realize you left your car door open?” I did not. Call and beg out of rehearsal. Things improve through the evening, both the nausea and the vertigo gradually subsiding.
I walk out onto the porch and the rain falls, a perfect, root-delighting downpour. I bless the gods, finally.

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