Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29, 2015

Immensities of rain. Start, stop, start again harder. It’s like Ireland.

Testimonies from my two boys on how great the playwriting workshop is.

Excellent class (I thought) on Crete, Mycenae, Archaic Greece. God knows what they thought.

Five minutes online reveal that Austin Macauley is primarily a vanity publisher, and when they send me a contract, it will likely be an “author contribution” one. They do real contracts, too, but the fact that this is all hidden, that there is nothing on its website to indicate it is a vanity publisher, raises the creepiness level to near infinity. At least one immediate task is off me; I won’t put In the Country of the Young through a full rewrite for them. Well played, Lord: full points for you. Maybe not full points: I hadn’t fallen for it quite completely– hence the online search. But a great victory nevertheless. Salut.

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