Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015

An anniversary.

Phlebitis was creeping upon me. No cause was discernible, so I assumed recent weight loss released toxins from the cells. Took the pills, and felt, at rehearsal, the heat and pain fading away almost miraculously. The lost hours of exhaustion recently must have been due to that. Sensational session on the elliptical at the Y, running and memorizing lines at ones.

Read four plays last night trying to decide what to send to GPTC. Each was good. Happy about that. It didn’t help me to decide, though.

Ramayana in Humanities.

Bear attack against my seed pail. I ran out to see what it was. I startled the bear so it ran into the back yard, but the back yard is surrounded by a fence, and so it stopped, turned , glared at me with the seed bag limp in its mouth.  Not wanting to come between a frightened bear and its escape route, I retreated indoors.

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