Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015

Tea with Russell and Maria after choir. We talked of fondant more than anyone would expect. Drank tremendous quantities of water to combat muscle spasms just before bed, requiring me to wake and eliminate tremendous quantities of water through the night. This kept the sleep light and filled with vivid dreams. The last was of me doing a particularly wonderful one-man show on stage, and just at the most triumphant moment having the tech go out, and having to leave the stage ignominiously, deflated, in the dark.
Coffee yesterday with C. We talked about his new play and about his applying for the creative writing position at UNCA. Also inevitably chatted about the local theater scene, our perspectives and disappointments. We are amazed by the vanity or falseness of the same people, saddened or gladdened harmoniously by the changes in them. He has a talent for immediate and sincere friendship that I admire. I crashed into a profound pot hole parking at the café, but, this time, the car seems no worse for it.
Faint throb of the night voices. Still and hour before dawn.

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