Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August 31, 2015

Rode herd on the Humanities lecture: Egypt. The fly in the ointment– well, it’s not exactly ointment– is a too-bright little boy who thinks his having a dialog with me is an appropriate class procedure. I began the Egyptian creation story of Nun and Shu and Tefnut, and he raised his hand and said, “I never heard an Egyptian creation story that didn’t begin with Ra.”  I said, “Well, now you have.” Too harsh? He is sweet in a way, and reminds me a little of myself, except that I usually kept my mouth shut and noted the prof’s errors with silent scorn.
Planted a box of random iris bulbs that arrived.

Worked out after a week of gout disability. As I write the sentence I realize that the pain at long last had disappeared.
Calling of crows.

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