Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015

Yesterday beatified by three visitations, each a young man coming to my office, beaming away, asking for this or that, but mostly bringing the sun. The youngest was three, Evan’s little August, who toddled in and wanted to see fire, so we got images of fire on You Tube and we watched together. His empire is full ; it just needs to be translated. One asked for academic advice, another for a critique of his poems, another if I would advise the campus quiddich club. The one who asked for academic advice looked around the office and said, “I expect I’ll be spending more time here.” It was the closest to seduction I’ve felt in a long time. One wouldn’t say I live an isolated life, but there is not that much of it one-on-one. I smiled through the afternoon. Walked to Edna’s for a glass of wine. Spectacular dreams arisen from moments ago. Invited to a party at the edge of a great lake.
The NEH professorship comes up with $700 for Washington Place.

The re-blooming white iris has rebloomed. When I saw it last night I waded to it through the garden, and I kissed it. It was cool and smooth, like being in love with a sea creature.

Grackles in my back yard. I would say at one point there were a hundred of them. I do not recall seeing a grackle there at any other time. Migrating, maybe, or some insect emerging before fall and the grackles gathered for the feast. When they flew it was like sheets of black satin in the wind. 

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