Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 5, 2015

London aflame in 1666. Olympics terrorized in Munich, and I arrived in Baltimore.

Half moon, fat Venus golden in the south. Rose long before the light–it still is not light– and tried to go to the studio, but a stopped train blocked all the ways into the River District. Was unable to eat yesterday, and the energy of the fast buzzes through my nerves. Pacing like a racehorse until something opens.

Z gave me flowers for my birthday.

Cleaned off the tiled east porch, so it is part of the house now rather than storage.

Finally set the Riverside office in order. If people are going to be there, it might as well look its best. Many pictures hung that I have not seen in two years.

Planted white acanthus, waiting for the rolling thunder to bring them rain.

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