Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 2, 2015

Slogged through Egypt. Made my way to the evening, and then the big party at Avenue M. I’m sorry I had to give the party to myself, but this is the kind of life where nobody throws you a party. You face the truth and go on. In the event, it was very festive. People previously unknown to one another met and talked, and it looked like a scene from a movie. Alma gave me hotplates made from the tiles that came off the mural when they demolished Hyre Junior High. I wanted some and didn’t know how to get them, so I was happy. Feel odd this morning, as though I had drunk very hard, though in fact I didn’t.  The Internet greetings have soared past 400– I am curiously attentive to and greedy for such things. Warm regards from people I do not recognize. Birthday greetings– through the magic of Facebook– from the Perolios– who attended my 6th birthday party back on Goodview Avenue.
The walk home from the restaurant, carrying my bag of cards and little presents, was curious. I resigned something, let it go, let it slip away, though I am not sure this morning exactly what it was.

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