Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March 30, 2008

Very odd weekend. I have lived like a wild man. I have done nothing but what I wanted to do. I have not showered since Thursday night. I painted excellently, and finished Dead Lovers Meeting at Moonrise and a small picture I call Dogs of the Apocalypse I. I think I have written, but it was longhand in the café, and I will have to look at it to see what I have. Got some strong medicine from the pharmacist to battle my sinus congestion. It turns out to be too strong for me, and I have that moving-underwater groggy feeling you get from too much medicine. Did not go to the Crown Cast party last night. Part of it was debility from medication; part of it was that sick feeling you have for a day or so after a good massage (Ben, Friday afternoon); part of it was that the massage ickiness read to me for a while like phlebitis. Part of it was a series of semi-translatable messages from M that made me reluctant to see anybody involved with what was beginning to look like a horrific mess.

Maybe I should collaborate only with men. I don’t know that men are necessarily more stable, but with them I can usually figure out what the problem is.

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