Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 23, 2008

Early morning on Shakespeare’s birthday. A fit of weeding got a narrow strip of the terrace cleared and planted in sky-blue morning glory. Uncovered remnants of sweet blue alyssum planted long ago. What a tangle of ivy and rogue saplings and I don’t know what! The ripped-out bio-mass is more than I can lift in two loads.

Re-writing Tub, now with the subtitle: "a fairy tale." It’s amazing how much I thought was part of the story but wasn’t.

Afternoon: Went to the studio and painted, deciding that the black paintings should constitute my September show. Bought plants in Weaverville, then set into the ground several kinds of sedum, yarrow, forget-me-not, white bleeding-heart, as well as coleus and asparagus fern for the containers. The Christmas cactus has gone to live on the porch. I forget that I have any occupation but gardener.

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