Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 21, 2008
Jonathan says the boy genius at No Shame is named Julian Vorus. He could be on any stage anywhere.

Half my poetry class did their presentations today. Danny sang the e.e. cummings poems he had set to music, accompanied by drums and a toy piano. It was such genius I am thinking of ways to steal the idea. Seth discovered Australian Bush Poetry, which was a whole new world to me. Rob drew pictures to Stephen Crane paintings, as if they were graphic novels. It was a delightful afternoon. I heard some voices I had never heard in class before. I asked the class if in semesters to come we should do oral reports earlier, so to get to know each other better, and they said yes. I think so too. Have they been waiting all this time to have their lovely say? If so, did I bring it out of them now, or prevent it earlier? I sometimes think it is harder for me to socialize because my students are so excellent, and most people, beside them, are disappointing.

Weeded in the morning, about 1/3 of what needed to be done, but enough to give me pride of accomplishment and energy for the next bout. Planted the poppies I bought from the Men’s Garden Club at church on Earth Day.

BCR wonders if his schedule was not accommodated because they wanted someone studlier, whose shirtless image could be used on the poster. I have no idea, and offered nothing but condolence and the hope that our brief friendship can survive this.

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