November 29, 2021
Dream before morning: Some dastardly crime was committed against me, and people came to me and said that if I didn’t protest or bring anyone to court, it would be all right, that everything would be made well. I shut my mouth and let it pass. One day a young man showed up, Hispanic, I guess, with beautiful liquid eyes and a gentle manner. Without any particular conversation between us, he began to accompany me everywhere, help me with daily tasks, be at my side. People noticed him, but hesitated to ask who he was or what he was to me. I wouldn’t have been able to tell them, except that his name was Angel (AnHEL) and that he anticipated what I needed and helped me with it. He slipped a credit card out of my wallet and bought groceries. He bought what he was used to rather than what I was, so the table was laid with exotic delicacies. I made up the guest room for him (in a house that was not this house) but he slept with me, holding me in his arms until I fell asleep. It was a beautiful dream. I was glad I waited for blessing instead of insisting on justice.
Noon: Set out walking from Bad Fork south (and up) on the MST. It was too cold, and I never warmed up so as to prolong the walk the way I wanted. But two ruby-crowned kinglets gladdened the path side as I passed. I’d never seen them so close before. They instantly became, for a day anyway, my favorite bird. Not one person on the trail with me, no joggers, no dogs walking with their owners. Just the kinglets and two pileateds and I. The swelling of my feet makes boots impossible, and the sneakers I must therefore wear convey the cold and the edge of every root and stone into my foot. But, gasping and ouching and leaning on the cane, one moves forward.
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