Wednesday, November 17, 2021


November 12, 2021

Before I got home from rehearsal last night, the new (and very heavy) bird bath bowl had been bear-toppled and had smashed the (very expensive) planter beneath. Must re-evaluate lawn decor.

Pretty much all I could think of at dress rehearsal last night was “This is too long.” We hadn’t even vaguely gone through the show when contractual obligations with the orchestra forced us to stop. We've never once gone through the show, nor even rehearsed all the dialog scenes (which, in truth, could probably be omitted). I did get one of my two never-before-rehearsed scenes in. The other will just have to premiere opening night. 

Picked up The Garden of the Bears and began tinkering with it. The writing I did on it was so good. I wept in gratitude. 

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