Saturday, November 20, 2021


November 20, 2021

Scraped half a ton of pine needles out of the pond. 

Maud came to me and solicited affection, which she got in double measure. 

The DC holds back the Parish Profile for reasons of their own, after the Vestry was told Monday night it would appear the next day and we had only 2 or 3 days to appraise it before the December 1 deadline. The Committee has had twenty months to do–Lord forgive me– what could have been done in a weekend by people wedded to the task. I would like once for the discussion of an issue not to be sidetracked by the discussion of how people feel about what people have said about the issue. It never gets back on track. Once derailed, it’s always thereafter about resentment and hurt feelings. 

Took time to look for publication opportunities. Most independent publishers looking for gay fiction specify lesbian fiction. Others long for Trans. Publishers peek into my files so they can specify desire for whatever is not there. 

Bully wrens sing from every branch. This is blessed. 

Footsteps on the roof. They always sound bigger than a squirrel. 

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