Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014

Lovely rain in the night. It batters the roses, but makes better roses behind.  Spread much mulch yesterday, seeing that much more mulch than I have acquired will be necessary.

I thought I might go without getting myself a birthday present this year, but not. Found myself at Biltmore Antiques, where I found a large old desk with a green top. It “finishes” the downstairs in a way I don’t really expect a piece of furniture to do. Happy. The lady at the shop called me by name and told me that I had created a sacred space at the healing mass a year or so ago. I was glad I had, and hoped that my sanctity would reduce the price of the desk.

Fast, 2nd day:  as I have noted in the past, without the extreme effects you expect, or read of in books.

Lady in Facebook singing “the Lady of Shalott.”

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