Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 14, 2014

Buttery yellow morning. The moon has not yet let go his reign. My first reader doesn’t like Lexington Tract, and that leaves me with the old question– begin the campaign, or go on to something else and not bother. It’s too embarrassing to pump someone for details about their impressions of or work–it comes off as begging for a compliment even more often than it is–so I don’t know what problems there are. I re-read it before the light, and like it, and can’t understand why someone wouldn’t, but of course I would. The style seems to me to get a lot of work done quickly–maybe that’s the problem? Anyway–

Last day before school sets in for well and good, me churning toward the completion of my syllabi. Syllabi are, at the last, a bad idea. They insure the class goes in a way it might not have gone had everything been organic. I get in trouble every semester for adapting mine to the flow of things: students interpret this as being disorganized.

Frantic calling of birds. They sense this is going to be their day.

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