Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014

Woke unwell. The whole bottle of Chilean Merlot after rehearsal was not a good idea. Came home with a colossal birthday brownie. Still sagging a little over the house. I don’t see why something can’t be as it was decided, as it was agreed to, as it was expected, even one time. While claiming to have no money at all, W nevertheless ordered a $400 inspection (without my knowledge), and on the basis of that asks for a reduction in the price of the house. I don’t care about the price, so much. I’m just bewildered that, after all that, he would ask. Had I inspected his credit, as I suppose was my right, the deal would seem even more absurd. I’ve tried to do the right thing; that doesn’t work so well when you’re the only party doing so. Longest day today. Can barely imagine putting on my clothes and walking out the door.

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