Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014

Dinner and chat with DG– a bachelor event while his wife is in New Orleans. He showed me his eclectic art collection. We ate at the Deerfield dining hall, which is lovely but which I find a little horrifying for all that it implies. Deerfield in the whole is calm and lovely, but also a little horrifying. It’s good to learn new things about new people.

Todd Williams ousted Ron Moore from the DA’s seat, a surprise to me, as I assumed Moore had some kind of ownership. I know people who admire Moore as a gentleman, but such a gentleman worked the law to destroy lives apparently for the mere joy of it. Being rid of him is not quite enough. I don’t give money to too many political campaigns, but Williams’ was one.

Woke late. The sky was already yellow.

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