Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 17, 2014

Godzilla yesterday afternoon. Unexpectedly and almost successfully mythological.

I realized that what was going to allow me to be happy today was gardening, so I did that. I planted a white rose and a pink rose. I set a great-fronded water plant into the water garden, and made tiny water gardens for two Venus fly traps I picked up at Reems Creek. I went to 62 and dug up lupine and peony and brought them over to live with me, now, forever. Made huge inroads on the weeds at 62. My great dusty pink heritage rose, which grew to consume the whole southeast corner of the yard, appears to be dead, as do my prickly pears. It was a rough winter.

Some degree of sick-to-my-stomach whenever I eat, whatever I eat. Not very dire, but I notice.

The electricity went out just as I was ordering food from the Chinese takeout. Food could not be cooked no refund made. She wrote my credit card number on a menu. I don’t really anticipate the refund.

Pastel sky, robin’s egg and fawn and white and pale gray.

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