Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014

The transformer in front of 62 exploded last night. The cats and I heard it. I looked through the house for an intruder. When the trucks came, after midnight,  I wandered out to chat with the workers jacked up on the – jack, I guess– that lifts them up to the wires. I was sorry I interrupted them. They seemed happy, talking between themselves in the misty sweet night. I wanted to say something helpful or encouraging but nothing occurred.

Dan sent me a message of himself singing and playing music. Too small to see, but that’s what I guess.

Will likely finish the rewrite of Night, Sleep before the day is over.

Saw a huge shovel-headed skink at Phil Mechanic. Wanted to bring him home, but thought perhaps he would be happier where he was. I have to take thought for a mower now. Magnificent specimen.

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