Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

Alarmed by the water level in Lawrence’s water garden– it had sprung a leak. Of course, no one in the region had an exact replacement for the round black pool, so I bought a horse trough from Tractor Supply. I was afraid it would get hot, but the guy at Reems Creek said, “Why would reflective bright metal get hotter than absorptive black plastic? Googled it, and found dozens of pictures of water gardens and fish and turtles in galvanized metal, so we’re all right for the moment.

I had not expected to spend my morning n that way. I have a full-blown idea of the revision of The Falls of the Wyona, but the completeness of the idea reduces the urgency of actually doing it. I feel as one in Limbo, a chunk of stuff whirling around in a tornado, not sure where it is going to land, or in what shape.

Homeless men colonized the hidden end of the Sav-Mor parking lot. I can see them from my yard, as perhaps no one else can. They lie about in sleeping bags until late in the morning. I envy this a little. Yesterday morning they were shouting at each other, and the world, in a way that sounded aggressive, but was probably just drunk. There seems to be one big gray-bearded man, and a slighter dark one. They smashed a toilet and spread the fragments at the entrance to their little cover of macadam, maybe to halt visitors.

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