Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 23, 2014

Rumbling thunder in the distance. Excellent workout at the Y. Have just begun sending out The Lexington Tract and already I’m quarreling with one prospective agent about her punctiliousness regarding format. It is my fault for not being able to locate the right format, hers for thinking my resignation was “attitude.” The excellence of any agency is inversely related to the fussiness of its submission requirements. Hours later, did find the format she wanted, but then a new email saying that I should get a glass of wine and practice patience because there were LOTS of formatting issues we need to dealt with, and this before she commits to the project.  "If I accept your project you can expect this to happen on every LINE." My version of patience was NOT to write the email saying “Not in a hundred million years.” Been down that road before. Been down every road but “yes.”

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