Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014

Thursday another day of heroic sleep. Don’t know why, exactly. The rigors of the semester finally allowing themselves to relax? Shoulder much better today, allaying the fear that it was something eternal and changeless. Laundry day exposes the fact that I have exactly one set of linen for each bed, now, after the move. Perhaps that’s enough, but it does eliminate the element of novelty.

Gleaned my DVDs, realizing that I might not play any of them again. Took the outtakes to a table at school for anyone to have.

Invited to the Cantaria board meeting last night to help crush a troublemaker. The troublemaker said nothing in response, so either it worked or he didn’t get he was the reason for it all.

Long and very coherent dream while the moonlight streamed in from the southeast. I had been called upon to help found an Order of Chivalry. I suppose I was a student, as there were low, long white buildings half way up the sides of green hills, which may have been a school. There was a very particular kind of art contest, in which the support was meant to be glass. I entered my painting on glass into the contest, and won. Turned out what was to happen was that a chosen hero was to burst from a dark tunnel through the glass and into the sunlight, and that would be symbolic of– something wonderful. It was unexplained in the dream, as it would be in life. In the event, I was chosen to crash through my own window– sacrificing my own imagination and labor. I did this (I feared that I would not be able to do it) and then my mentor (whom I did not recognize from the real world) explained to me his plans for the Order, based on holiness. Compassion, and art  He and I began gathering like minds. We acquired land for a sacred structure, and drew up plans for it (which are still vivid in my mind) but then wondered if we should make sacred spaces out of the sites that had already been important to us– the site where we had our first conversation, the site where I had burst through the painting of glass. That discussion was going on when I awoke. If I were Abram, I would be about to have a busy day.

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