Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4, 2013

Maybe I’d like to be small enough to walk under my mayapples, their green roofs, their flowers like lanterns hanging..

This is the terrible anniversary.

Off to Massachusetts today. Seldom have traveled with less desire to do so. Trapped by a moment of enthusiasm six months old.

Amazing comment on my blog about the Nortons, with whom I lived in Cambridge in 1970. The correspondent is Rab Turner, who runs a gallery in Melbourne: Maggie passed away some fifteen years ago sadly. Mark too left this world in Thailand in less than perfect circumstances, sadly he was never able to free himself from his geas. Maggie's other son Derek has a very successful indigenous art gallery in Canada. Nichola possibly has an antiques business in Adelaide but has left her past behind. An amazingly talented family damaged by parental relationships ... Regards Rab Turner Melbourne Australia on Cambridge 6

This led me to Derek Norton, the son I never met, thin and leathery in his photo (like his brother whom I did know, though it was too soon for Mark to be leathery) who runs an Inuit gallery in Vancouver. This information was more valuable to me than I would have expected. A door closes behind me with an audible click.

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