Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013

Dalton’s reading at the Apothecary last night went excellently. The room was full, and he was hugely engaging. His friends the band Baby Rattlesnakes played surprisingly poppy, mellow originals beforehand, and covered the space while we waited for his publishers, who had determined to drive in from Chicago in one day for the event, and to drive back almost immediately after. I hope it was all they’d hoped it would be. Peter and Merritt came from the faculty. The sky was trying to rain, but never quite made it. I’ll look this morning; if it hasn’t, I must. Justin, Jon, Sarah, Brittany and I repaired to the Pack Tavern afterwards. I like that place, though find myself in that corner of the town too seldom to make it a regular watering hole. I try not to remember that all those people will be gone in a week or two, we sliding mutually into each other’s half-remembered pasts.

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