Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15, 2013

The purloined garden trowels re-appeared, side by side on top of a stool in the garage, returned by the purloiner. What small mysteries unfold in the world every day!

Poking around in my journals., I note that the premiere performance of Pisgah Players was March 29, 1989. The beginning of my life as a producer.

Vivid and compelling dream. I was William Shakespeare. I was staying in the Glass House Hotel in Sligo. One day I was wandering around in the rolling green fields when I was attacked. A blow on the head sent me into a state of unconsciousness, and when I came out of that I realized I had been stabbed in the chest several times. I lay in the field waiting to die of the wounds, or of the infection I knew would set in. But I did not die. The pain lessened, and I got up and began to move around. I could still feel the wounds in my chest, but the pain was endurable, and I knew I would live. I thought, “I am William Shakespeare, and I have a life to live nobody had anticipated.” I knew the Irish wouldn’t be impressed, so I kept it to myself.

Dug a new plot out of the remnant grass and planted eggplant.

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