Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

Bach on Spotify.

Cold kitchen light first after waking. The cats must be fed before the recording of dreams, before the taking of words into the mouth and fingertips.

The Roberts Street garden is accomplished, as much as it is likely to be before the autumn bulb time. Suggested, conceived, dared and done in five days.  Jolene got me an assistant yesterday, too late for anything but the spreading of mulch, but the mulch he did spread, so that was one task the less for me. Derek is a hairy young man with a GED and a five week old daughter named Lucia, with (the daughter in her photo) the most beautiful eyes. He begins Americorps in a few weeks, and his girlfriend just lost her job, and he is too young to be affected too much by his looming destitution.

Interesting archaeology in the digging of an urban garden: old gardens with their buried and decaying frames, evidence that the space was an imperfect pottery dump, random assertive bushes which must have been stabs at horticultural permanence.

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