Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

Bird-tweety AM. Kevin the frog a solemn basso beneath. I had decided to let the hybrid roses go as too much fuss, but the rose show at the Arboretum turned me around, and I went to the hardware store and bought the fertilizers and sprays you need to use. Acquired Sugar Moon, a stunning white rose, and planted it on the back terrace, having to gouge out the monoculture of anemones in order to do so. Transplanted beside Sugar Moon a lovely lavender rose that was doing badly. Fertilized and watered. Crossed my fingers. I keep remembering MG’s “Roses are not for you.”

Abundance rules all thing in the garden. I contemplate how to make that spill over into all life aspects.

More excited about Lincoln in New York as the time approaches. I usually try to tamp the excitement down. Not bothering this time. Something seems different . . . .

R came over late last night, and we became reacquainted.

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