Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013

“Like Some Hyena of the Jesuits” is a finalist in the Cultural Center of Cape Cod poetry contest. I’m hitting the jackpot lately. Their judge did not respond, so the organization is evaluating the poems. . . . some other way. We’ll wait.

Threats of frost from all sides, from the nurseryman at Reems Creek, from the TV, from Facebook. I decided that it was not going to frost, helped partially by the fact that all my delicate plants have outgrown the pails and pots I have to hide them under. Even bought a pitcher plant and set it in the backyard water garden against the nurseryman's advice, thinking that the pool around it would keep it warm. To honor the merest possibility, I rose in the sleeping dark and hosed everything off. Back in Akron we thought that if we hosed the plants off before the sun rose, the frost wouldn't hurt them. In any case, there was no frost. it didn't even seem particularly chill. Watered the plants anyway.

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