Monday, January 11, 2010

January 8, 2010

Blistering, irritating cold. Each time I ventured out I scuttled back at the end of the journey shivering and irritable.

Following up on a promise I made to Brian Hook last semester, I’m adapting Plato’s Symposium for the stage. One thing I didn’t remember from earlier readings is how droll Plato is. The dialogues are much livelier–and much more like a gossip column– than you’d think hearing the philosophers talk about them.

Did final proofs on Short Plays to Long Remember. I say “final,” not knowing how much of the apparently endless mechanics of publication is still before us. Printing details are like stage tech to me, grumpy-making addenda that I feel I shouldn’t have to bother with after the initial effort of creating the piece in the first place. But, bother one must. I am a terrible proofreader. My eyes glaze, the letters swim on the page. I whimper.

Have found the internet radio station that plays nothing but Renaissance music, and am in bliss.

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