Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 12, 2010

Radio interview yesterday for Johanna. So far almost no confirmation that anybody heard it. I was so exhausted last night that J’s temptation to watch sit-coms on the computer could not, finally, be passed up. I became more and more like stone until I staggered into bed, during a phone call in which D accused J of having an affair with a dying girl. . . or something. I would have thought separation would defuse rancor, but clearly I was wrong.

Parting for class yesterday evening, I paused on the walk on watch a mole–a surprisingly large mole–rustle through the leaves. He was dark silver, quite beautiful, quite endearing moving forward on his tiny feet. I worried that he couldn’t make a hole in the frozen ground, and thought about getting a shovel and making him one, though I doubt he would take the gesture as it was intended. But he must have been somewhere before he was out, so perhaps he was just foraging. He actually scampered across the top of my shoe. The sensation was funny and thrilling. He lost himself in some leaves and the yard went quiet.

First playwriting class. I have no idea whom I’m talking to, or what they need to hear, so I try to be generally inspirational.

J in search of housing in Johnson City, and a job. Prospects seem good all around. I smile when I enter the house and it is not empty. It has been so many years since I have had overnight company–for more than one night–that I feel the ache of old social muscles coming again into use.

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