Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010

All is right at Wordsmyth Theater, and I’ll apparently be starting my spring break in Houston.

Thin Matthew sets up motion-sensor lights and finds a way to resurrect DJ’s bathroom. While he was peering down at me from his great height, I contemplated how different our two worlds must be, if only regarding visual perspective.

Cast and crew gathered at the Usual last night, looking attractive and mirthful. I was proud of providing the occasion for the gathering, proud to have them united upon my work. I am aware of the honor one is paid when people gather together to help realize a dream that, otherwise, would be silent, private, and die with the dreamer's death. I felt a little like a papa walking in on a gathering of his children and their friends, not knowing whether he should stay and enjoy them or to scamper away. I scampered, partially to be with J on out last night together. He was on the phone till I gave up and went to bed, so that was a miscalculation

J found an apartment in Johnson City and is moving today. I don't like it.

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