Monday, June 3, 2024


 June 2, 2024

Early morning, packing for the train to Limerick. 

Closing performances last night. Again, my cast did well, though impressions of other offerings changed, some for the better, most others not. Some things can be welcomed only once. My estimation now is that there were three clunkers, still a quite good average. Lovely big party afterward at the theater, where I met everybody, the other playwrights present (including Darren [I think] a charming young man from Skibereen) and other lights of that active and vital institution. A light to which there was no shadow, all in all. Wish we could have parties like that after shows, but it would necessitate house bars, which America makes so difficult.  

On the train from Cork, a woman sat next to me who had beautiful blue irises wrapped carefully in foil. I said, “Somebody gave you flowers!”She said, “No, these are from my own garden. I’m taking them to Dublin to put on my sister’s grave.”

Savoy Hotel, Limerick, a concern so elegant I was embarrassed to be dressed as I was checking in. Balcony looks at the roof of the Dunne’s Stores parking garage, but also, in the distance, at King John’s Castle and the green hills of Munster. Had a nasty lunch, leaving the record unbroken in that regard. 

Darkness: Went back to my ancient practice of hiking from pub to pub, taking in culture and ambience, and was deeply happy. Limerick is a comfortable town for me, whereas–for whatever reason–Cork was not. Hugely drunk, so that these words will be the last I can type tonight. I love the pubs, tribal, masculine, loud, intimate... . qualities, I realize now, generally remote from my life.

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