Sunday, June 2, 2024


June 1, 2024

Bright morning. Tried to go socializing last night, but felt the creeping dismantlement that is the onslaught of phlebitis. Scurried home, took the prophylactic antibiotics which, along with the computer, may be the most useful things that ever came into my life. The fevered sleep that followed was some insurance against the unhoused people camped on the quay below, who shrieked at each other deep into the morning. This otherwise excellent hotel has severe noise issue. The glass walls onto the river are not the least bit soundproof, and the public area beneath allows for mayhem. 

Working steadily on The Dublin Traviata.

News on RTE that an Irish judge has been convicted of sexual assault and attempted rape on a number of boys, when he was a teacher. He was a thalidomyde baby, and has no legs, one arm, and does not leave his wheelchair. The question which the newscasts solemnly refuse to answer is, “how?” 

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