Friday, June 21, 2024

 June 20, 2024

Seriously re-vamped my portfolio. Items sold came to $86,000 in profit. 

Turned down the trip to Umbria. The leader mentioned dormitory sleeping in a villa on a steep hill. Nope. Back in the day, maybe. Besides, I write daily with setting or provocation. He also said that mature participants are often impatient with the naivety and self-importance of the kids. Neither of those things bothers me much, but I am prone to impatience by any number of other causes. Also realized I could spend the same amount of money and be wherever I wanted doing whatever I wanted and not having anybody tell me how to write a play. 

Bad showing among the annuals this year. Change seed companies? Don’t know otherwise what went wrong. Saw the turkey hen wallowing in the zinnia bed, so that bit is explained. 

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